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"Stiff shoulders" coming from a bad posture

執筆者の写真: Kazunori KosugeKazunori Kosuge


The most common type of stiff shoulder is the stiff shoulder that comes from a bad posture at desk work.

Many of you are worried whether you are in a bad posture or not?

Today is a story about a posture that tends to cause stiff shoulders.

Upper cross syndrome

I think that stiff shoulders are always a problem for you.

Today's people have many opportunities to use computers, and the number of people who suffer from stiff shoulders is really increasing.

In fact, there are various reasons for just saying “Stiff shoulders”.

There are many causes for stiff shoulders, such as bad posture, mental stress, muscle fatigue, lack of exercise, coldness, tired eyes, biting teeth, and pressure on underwear.

In addition, there are cases where visceral diseases, eye diseases, and mental problems are involved.

However, the most common cause of stiff shoulders is still a bad posture.

This bad posture is called “upper crossing syndrome” and is caused by modern living habits. There is an opportunity to take a posture of curling shoulders and pushing the head forward by operating a personal computer, driving a car, etc. It is common in many people.

Attitude during desk work

During desk work, the posture is often seen in which both hands are put forward and the shoulders are rounded and the chin is pushed out to look into the computer.

n this case, the neck-to-shoulder muscles are often tense and the chest muscles are often shrunken, while the neck and back muscles are stretched and weakened.

This is called crossover syndrome because the muscles are tense and weakened so that they cross over the shoulder.

If you keep working for several hours in this state, the muscles behind your neck will be burdened.

Normally, the human head weighs about 4 to 5 kg, and this is supported by the muscles around the neck, but if you push the head forward and the center of gravity moves forward, the muscles behind the neck will be heavily strained.

It is said that if the center of gravity shifts about 5cm away, the weight of the head will be doubled, and if it shifts about 8cm, it will be three times the weight of the head.

Are you surprised by this? Just by shifting the center of gravity, the burden is quite different.

In a posture where the head is in front and the back is curled up, the muscles from the neck to the shoulder are used with some strength. This is the toughest working condition that puts the most strain on muscles.

n this state, you have to support 2 to 3 times the weight of your head, so your muscles will scream over time.

In this posture, the muscles of the chest are used with strength in a slightly contracted state. The length of the muscle is greatly affected by the daily environment, so if you always keep the same posture, it will change to the length of the muscle that was in that posture.

If that happens, the brain will remember that posture, which is even more troublesome. This is the beginning of chronic stiff shoulders.

In the upper crossing syndrome, the lower cervical vertebra is bent forward and the upper cervical vertebra is warped excessively, so that these joints are heavily loaded and the mobility of the joints is often lost. Chiropractic will treat these joints.

Most of the time, if this joint movement is lost, it stiffens the shoulders no matter how much muscles are massaged. This is the reason why the massage returns to its original state no matter how many times you do it.

Are you in a posture that tends to cause stiff shoulders?

If you are interested, first stretch your chest and then remove your shoulder strength. If you stretch your chest, it will be difficult to apply the burden because your neck will not come out easily.

When you sit down and put your cushions on your hips, your chest will grow naturally. That is also a devise. If you have chronic shoulder stiffness, please contact us.

Written by

Kazunori Kosuge

Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Chiropractic Science AK Practitioner

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